Bumblebee (2018)

There's more here than meets the eye. That's one of the taglines for the popular toy line known as 'Transformers', a series of robots that can literally transform into various machines. Since making their debut in the 1980s, the Transformers have made a cultural impact. However, most of their filmed adventures have not been received very well, no thanks to director Michael Bay. With the latest filmed installment, “Bumblebee”- based off one of the main characters in the franchise, Bay takes a backseat to be in the producers chair, and let someone else do the directing. The result? It is a good film. Not great, but very entertaining, nonetheless. “Bumblebee” put forth effort into one very specific category that all other previous Transformers films have not achieved, and makes it stand out in a rather unique way. The story is set in the year 1987, and young Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld) is looking to try and move on with her life after her father died. She ev...