The Hateful Eight (2015)

Snow is a very powerful enemy. For both humans and animals, snow provides a need to find shelter from the cold harshness of Mother Earth. More specifically, trying to find warmth to counteract the cold. But to others, snow is seen as a threat. This more prominent in Quentin Tarantino’s 2015 feature “The Hateful Eight”, a long tribute to the western and the chance of seeing movies on the big screen. Quite literally. However, there are some big, glaring issues ascertain to the overall production that needs talking about. Despite this, the movie itself is quite good within its own execution. “The Hateful Eight” is a production where time is definitely a villain, but the true enemy is snow. The plot surrounds the titular eight characters stuck up in a cabin in the mountains of Wyoming, during an excessive blizzard. At this cabin, we meet our eight players. These include the following: a major (Samuel L. Jackson), a bounty hunter (Kurt Russell), a criminal (Jennifer Jason Leigh)...