Vertigo (1958)

Alfred Hitchcock was considered the master of suspense, with almost every movie he made. And for a very good reason. His films always kept the audience guessing, keeping them on the edge of their seats, and wondering what was going to happen next. Plus, there was always a hint of tension with each production Hitchcock worked on, giving the audience something to be invested in. With 1958's “Vertigo”, which could be argued as Hitchcock's greatest masterpiece, is a prime example of what he brought forth to the big screen. However, there are a couple of issues surrounding the film, but the majority of the movie is definitely worth checking out. “Vertigo” may not be the master's greatest work, but it is definitely one of his finest. The story involves a San Francisco cop named John “Scottie” Ferguson (James Stewart), who has acrophobia, or a fear of heights resulting in vertigo, causing the sensation of being dizzy. Hence the title. One day, an old friend asks John to s...