Madame Web (2024)
The Spider-Man universe is a vast and complex multiverse full of opportunities. With this in mind, it does open up the possibilities for many other characters to shine on through. One of these is the mysterious Madame Web, a woman with super telekinesis and can see variations on the future. So, with the massive success of the prior Spider-Man films from Marvel, it would only make sense that the character would soon follow. And the result is, it's fine. “Madame Web” is the most fine interpretation of a Spider-Man character to date. Does it have problems? Of course it does. But with the stuff that's good, is good on its own accord. “Madame Web” tries to breath new life into a big universe concerning the Spider-Man universe, but it just comes off as a tangled mess. Set in New York, the story focuses on Cassandra Webb (Dakota Johnson), a paramedic who has a near fatal accident, and can now view visions of the future. However, these little visions come at a cost: it more often th...