Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Japan has created something amazing in terms of animation. Known as anime, Japan's animation style has reflected on American culture, so much so, Hollywood has taken notice. One thing that anime has influenced is the fan base; so many people enjoy different style of anime, it's almost crazy to think that this is happening right now. One of the people that enjoys anime is James Cameron, and now he has crafted a world based off the Yukito Kishiro manga (Japanese comic book) 'Gunnm', into a feature film called “Alita: Battle Angel”. The end result is that the film is good, but not great. While the film looks nice, the story is sort of jumbled, and for those who do not know the source material, may be somewhat confused or lost in translation. “Alita: Battle Angel” is impressive enough, but without a flowing narrative, it feels like some things are better left in Japan. The story involves Dr. Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz) living in the near future, and finding a broke...