The Gold Rush (1925)

Charlie Chaplin can be argued as one of the greatest comedic geniuses of all time. By using silent comedy through expressions along with physical emotions, as well as telling a good story, Chaplin made a name for himself by creating some of the greatest movies ever made. And making audiences laugh in the process. And there is no better example of Chaplin's comedy than his 1925 masterpiece “The Gold Rush”, a wonderful little movie that not only blends both comedy and drama very well, but still holds up to this day. Even after almost 90 years since its release, the movie still gets a good laugh out of audiences who watch it. “The Gold Rush” is a glorified masterpiece in comedy that more than delivers the distinct and unique style that Charlie Chaplin was known for. The story involves a lone prospector (Chaplin) going out into the wilderness of Alaska during its infamous gold rush. While trying to find great success, the prospector meets up with Big Jim McKay (Mack Swain), an...