King Kong (1933)
Whenever someone thinks of a giant
movie monster, they usually go for characters like Godzilla, The
Blob, or others of that nature. But we have to recognize the original
giant movie monster: King Kong. Debuting in 1933's self-titled “King
Kong”, this great ape may not have been a big hit at first, but
became popular enough to spawn its own franchise. The question still
remains: how does the original hold up after 85 years since its
release? Still damn well. There have been imitators, remakes, and
even a crossover with Godzilla, but nothing can still match the
original Kong. “King Kong” is a marvelous spectacle that anyone
who loves monsters, needs to see.
The story involves filmmaker Carl
Denham (Robert Armstrong), going on a mysterious voyage to a
southeastern island that nobody knows but him. He recruits a young
woman named Ann Darrow (Fay Wray), whom Carl casts as the leading
lady. When they arrive at the mysterious island, Carl and the crew
encounter a group of natives making a sacrifice to a monster. Late in
the night, the natives capture Ann, offering her to become the
sacrifice to the monster known as King Kong. Now, Carl and his crew
must rescue Ann and hopefully bring back Kong to New York in order to
gain some publicity.
What can be said about “King Kong”
that hasn't been said already? Nearly everything about this film is
perfect. Let's start with some of the more little things before
getting into the major stuff.
For starters, the story is simply
iconic. Sure, it's a story that we've heard before, but when it
happens, it's really interesting. The tale of beauty and the beast is
simple, and easy to understand for most audiences. The only problem
with this angle is that the human romance between Ann and John
Driscoll (Bruce Cabot) is kind of uninteresting. The stuff with Ann
and Kong is unique, and really captures the look of the old silent
days where no dialogue is needed and only expressions are required.
The direction from both Merian C.
Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack is really crazy when you think
about it. One guy handled the story (Cooper), and the other helped
out along the way (Schoedsack). The chemistry here is amazing.
The acting is pretty good, too. Wray
made a name for herself with this role. And everyone else is good in
their respective roles. Although, there are certain characters, most
notably the natives, that are seen as somewhat racist. But consider
the time period of when this movie came out; we didn't have a clear
understanding of how cultures should be represented in media.
The music by Max Steiner is both
chilling and haunting at the same time. It conveys a sense of opera
and excitement coming from the orchestration. It truly is epic.
But of course, we can't talk about
“King Kong” without the special effects. Sure they are somewhat
dated, but that presents the beauty in them. Willis O'Brien, bless
this man, for unveiling to the world one of cinema's greatest
achievements. The stop motion is still amazing after so many years.
The fights with the T-Rex and the climatic battle atop the Empire
State Building are some of the most iconic moments in film history.
From puppets, to animatronic devices, to early screen blending
(taking the stop motion and putting it against the filmed
background), to miniatures, “King Kong” is a visual treat that
needs to be seen.
Finally, the black and white
cinematography is gorgeous to look at. It sets the mood for that old
time feeling of being thrown back in time to see movies as sort of
this escapist feeling. And with “King Kong” it works well to the
film's advantage.
“King Kong” is a cultural
phenomenon. Unfortunately, while many people have heard of The Eighth
Wonder of the World, they really haven't seen it. The last line of
the movie says it best: It was beauty that killed the beast. “King
Kong” is marvelous production that needs to be seen. If you love
monsters or film in general, then this film is perfect for you.
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