Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018)

Children's programming has always been aimed for a much younger audience. However, one of the most influential, and groundbreaking shows was 'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood' that ran for over 35 years during its initial run on PBS. Since Fred Rogers' passing in 2003, there have been many people questioning Fred's ability to create valuable lessons to children. Well, the 2018 documentary “Won't You Be My Neighbor?” explores the ways that Fred Rogers both entertained as well as educated children over deep and complex issues. The documentary also explores how the show became such a huge phenomenon, and how it developed a large audience. “Won't You Be My Neighbor?” is an exploration into one man's goal to educate children in the nicest way possible.

And mentioned above, “Won't You Be My Neighbor?” chronicles the life of Mr. Fred Rogers. A simple man who widened his eyes on the invention of television, and produced 'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood'. Along the way, we see and learn that Fred tried his hardest to make decent programming for children, and shared his thoughts and views about what children need in the world.

“Won't You Be My Neighbor?” is something that needs to be seen.

It's a documentary about one man's certain and accessible goal: to inform children about the lessons in world, and to show them, that it's okay to ask questions. To be scared of terrifying situations. And more importantly, to have a better understanding of the world in general.

The film also explores the life of Fred Rogers. The personal struggles in order to get the show off the ground. And thinking that there may not be any useful reasoning that the show may actually offer.

There is also moments in the film where Fred tackles current issues of the day. Things like racism, the Vietnam War, and the state of television at the time. It really shows that Fred Rogers was a man who wanted to speak his mind about topics to children, but in doing so, in a way for children to understand in a way that they could.

However, there are some dramatic moments in the film, and it deserves the PG-13 rating it got. There are scenes where Fred recounts moments where the pressure of the show is getting to him. Tackling behind the scenes drama with cast members. And even the final episode of the series.

The film also goes into detail of what happened after Fred's death. Now, what your thoughts on Fred Rogers are, there is one thing we can all agree on: he was an entertainer for children who opened the world in places children would never explore. Fred Rogers gave out his philosophy to the viewers, and we listened. Sure, it was blunt and direct at times, but sometimes, that was what we needed.

And that goes without saying. This film offers up unique messages to kids who are mostly active through social media. Most, if not all of the life lessons that Fred Rogers taught need to be reinvigorated into kids' minds today. And maybe, some adults, too.

“Won't You Be My Neighbor?” is a fantastic documentary about one individual who wanted to take a look a children through the power of television.


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