Old (2021)

Age can be rather cruel. It is part of life, and there is probably nothing we can do to stop it from happening. However, we can at least try to stop aging by doing various things to our bodies, in order to maintain a perfect and healthy age. But to die of old age is really something that is truly terrifying. That is where director and writer M. Night Shyamalan brings forth that horrifying concept in his latest film “Old”. Based off a graphic novel from Switzerland, the movie doss bring forth a really good concept and idea. Unfortunately, there is some unevenness to the entire production. “Old” does have good commentary surrounding itself when it comes to aging, but the end product can feel little underwhelming. The story is set on a remote island where guests can come and relax. Enter a group of families who head to a secluded beach. It is here where things get a little spooky. The adults notice the children are starting to age rapidly, Now, it's a race as to see just what is go...