Old (2021)


Age can be rather cruel. It is part of life, and there is probably nothing we can do to stop it from happening. However, we can at least try to stop aging by doing various things to our bodies, in order to maintain a perfect and healthy age. But to die of old age is really something that is truly terrifying. That is where director and writer M. Night Shyamalan brings forth that horrifying concept in his latest film “Old”. Based off a graphic novel from Switzerland, the movie doss bring forth a really good concept and idea. Unfortunately, there is some unevenness to the entire production. “Old” does have good commentary surrounding itself when it comes to aging, but the end product can feel little underwhelming.

The story is set on a remote island where guests can come and relax. Enter a group of families who head to a secluded beach. It is here where things get a little spooky. The adults notice the children are starting to age rapidly, Now, it's a race as to see just what is going on, and how the families could stop this from happening.

“Old” is a mixed bag if there ever was one.

On the one hand, there are some good things to say about the movie.

For instance, the cinematography is absolutely brilliant. Done by Mike Gioulakis, and set in the Dominican Republic, the scenery is great. This is a visually pleasing film, and it does its job well.

The music by Trevor Gureckis is also a plus as it creates some interesting tension as to what is happening on screen. Plus, whenever the quiet moments are there, the music does reflect the action of what's happening. The music is a great addition to this movie and should not be passed on.

Finally, the camerawork is also incredible. Adding to the cinematography, the movement of the camera is fantastic. There are long shots that showcase the passage of time, and it compliments well with the action being shown. It feels like the camera is its own unique character towards this movie.

But, on the other hand, there some major problems concerning the movie in general.

For one thing, the acting can get a little off, as most of the performers are are doing a good job with what they are given, but don't really offer up much. Most of the time, the actors and actresses are taking this a little too seriously, and can feel a little hammy at times. Plus, with so many actors on screen, it's kind of hard to find a good character to actually root for.

And that's another thing that the movie falters on: the characters. Most of the time, these characters only care about themselves, or have the desire to get off the beach. Why? Because the script tells them to. Don't get me wrong, the actors and actresses are doing fine, but with what they are given, that leads to the film's biggest issue.

The direction can play into this, as Shyamalan doesn't give his actors a sense of direction to begin with. What this means, is that while the actors have good intentions, the direction given to them just doesn't feel right. There's a little unbalance nature to the direction, and it can leave a mediocre experience from watching.

The writing can be a factor in why this movie does falter heavily. Everything happens like it is planned out, and we really do not have time to really get to know our main characters. Plus, there is no sense of horror or tension being involved, and when it does get somewhat scary, it almost feels like a disappointment when it actually occurs. And then there is the twist to this movie; it's somewhat confusing, and really kind of loses the whole message of what the film is trying to convey. Just don't expect anything too groundbreaking here.

In conclusion, while “Old” does have some unique ideas surrounding its visual style, it doesn't try to come up with a cure for aging in the slightest.


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